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How We Will Present Our Work

Here on Collective we have a number of ways to present content; A Video Gallery, A Photography Gallery and this Blog. On this blog there will be a number of different things we do.

- Interviews - Artist Articles

- Reviews

- Think Pieces

And posts like this one. Each of these post types will go through certain editorial checks before they come to you but will also all follow a style which we hope you find easy to consume.

Our interviews will be written up and either be from Emails or Recordings which will be transcribed. The hopes with these is that we would like to give you as much of an insight to these projects as possible, but all of it coming from the people who are creating.

Our artist articles are going to be a very similar format to our interviews. Aiming to give you all the pertinent information about the projects and art we find. Featuring videos and photos these articles will give you the tools to find these people and admire their work for yourself.

Reviews are an item which will be more sparing across our site, we will try our hardest to give you our thoughts on releases both old and new, shows, exhibitions and events as quickly as we can.

Finally Think Pieces. These are articles which we hope you will get involved with, these articles will discuss a topic we hold close to us and will be there to give you our views on the matter. Disagree? Let us know in our comments section, start a discussion with other readers and ourselves.

Overall we intend these article types to give you the most out of this site and allow you to see some of the best art around, see our opinion and to have a place to voice your opinion on topics we post. Our blog will be underway soon, but get ready to join the Collective.

Discovered, Displayed and Celebrated. Written by James Leese


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